Funny Cartoons, Comics, Funnies – Spotlight: Hot Paper Comics, u/NonRock

Hello everyone,

This week's Spotlight is about Hot Paper Comics, known on reddit as u/NonRock.

They have been posting to r/Comics for quite a few years now and their art regularly reaches r/all. Enjoy!

1 - You have been making comics for quite a while now. Is there anything you'd do now with a comic that you did not used to and vice versa?

I'd say over time my creative process has gotten more refined. I got a better understanding of how to get things actually done. I got better at not making something just to feed the algorithm.

2 - You have different art styles in that you sometimes draw the characters in your comics in a more minimalised way and sometimes with more detail (like a more pronounced head). Do you have a specific reason for this?

To be honest it purely depends of how much time I want to spend on the drawing.

3 - You don't have many recurring character but one of them is lil' brain. Yee! Are the jokes with lil' brain based on personal experience?

They started off as a one time thing, but I had fun drawing them so I kept at it until I ran out of ideas I wanted to do.

4 - Some of your comics are about gaming. What type of computer games do you enjoy most and what is a game you could recommed to people?

I'm very into indie games. Recently I made a comic with references to the game LISA: The Painful so why not that one.

5 - Is the decision not to colour in some comics due to time constraints or because the joke works better in that style?

Definitely time.

6 - You sometimes collaborate with other artists, like Mr. Lovenstein. How do these collaborations occur, do you contact each other with ideas?

Yup, one – two messages to see if they're up for it and then we flesh it out.

7 - From you posting history I surmise you're Croatian. What is something funny or annoying you experience when dealing with an English-speaking audience?

Croatians do not like my humor, Balkan humor is very location based. Not too much appreciation for other forms, maybe relatable humor. Without my English-speaking audience I wouldn't have anyone to share my comics with.

8 - What's your favorite topic to make comics about?

Making fun of JRPG cliches, always a comfort zone for me.

9 - Do you have anything to add or want to say to the readers of r/comic?

I started making comics when I saw someone do 100 comics for 100 days on here. They're a great creative outlet, so I wanna tell them to try making their own comics.

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