Barred Owl

Per some humanitarian group opposed to Culling of Barred Owls, the proposed action is not only cruel, the plan to deploy hunters in dense evergreen forests not only poses risks to the barred owls but could also inadvertently harm other species — including the very spotted owls they aim to protect. If this plan may neither be sustainable nor effective in the long term, we must urge the government to reconsider.

If you would like to join this effort by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service's controversial plan to cull barred owls in an effort to protect northern spotted owls, you may sign the petition to urge U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and the Secretary of the Interior to immediately halt the current culling plan and protect our owls!

You can also sign in below at and leave your views and comments on proposed owl cull.

Controversial Barred Owl Cull: Impact on Northern Spotted Owls and West Coast Ecosystem


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