Funny Cartoons, Comics, Funnies – Intrusive thoughts pt.9 [OC]

Intrusive thoughts pt.9 [OC]

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#Intrusive #thoughts #pt.9,

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by blanche_draw

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#Intrusive #thoughts #pt.9

More about funny comics and daily funnies and cartoon and more- Intrusive thoughts pt.9 [OC]

#Intrusive #thoughts #pt.9

The Impact of Technology on Teenagers’ Mental Health

If you love big-bang theory and comic con conundrum, you are going to love reading about funny comics, cartoons and funnies here - Intrusive thoughts pt.9 [OC]

By Funny Guy

love comics, funnies and more

7 thoughts on “Funny Cartoons, Comics, Funnies – Intrusive thoughts pt.9 [OC]”
  1. Oh, that one would be me actually.

    To the point where I wil backtrack halfway to my destination to make sure I properly locked the door.

  2. Maybe not the best comment to add into the topic here, but I had a teacher bring up in class that forgetting to lock a door means nothing because no burglar is just going to go “doors locked, guess I can’t rob this place” they’re instead going to either kick down the door or find another entrance point.

    In a weird way thinking like this helped me stop overthinking issues regarding locking my main doors but also made me feel more insecure by realizing that my teachers most likely right and if someone wants in they are getting in.

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