Liam Chavez: Finding Hope Community Future

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Liam Chavez joined the Unity Council, a non-profit Social Equity Development Corporation in the Fruitvale neighborhood of Oakland, in December 2021. Through a WIOA-funded youth training program, Liam found a path to employment success and a vision for his future.

Liam faced physical and mental health challenges in childhood and adolescence, but channeled his energies into academic success. He earned a degree from UC Berkeley, majoring in history with a concentration in history of science and Latin America. He also came out as transgender in the middle of his senior year.

Unfortunately, his family wasn't able to offer much support. “I knew what was happening at school was wrong. I’d come home crying but my parents didn’t know what to do,” says Liam. He sought help from the student health center and eventually began hormone therapy. When he transitioned, Liam’s parents wanted nothing more to do with him and terminated all financial support.

At the Unity Council, Liam was part of a cohort with 10 other young people, and received the support and guidance he needed to prepare for the workplace. He was able to develop his skills in areas such as resume writing, interviewing, and job search, and was given the opportunity to attend professional development workshops and seminars.

The Unity Council was also a safe haven for Liam. He found community and acceptance, and was able to build relationships with his peers and mentors. “I’m grateful to the Unity Council for giving me the opportunity to grow and develop,” says Liam. “It has been a place of healing and hope for me, and has given me the confidence to pursue my dreams.”

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Teen emotions, problems, helth and and social Issues, Teen Health, Teen Social - Article Source

#Liam #Chavez #Finding #Community #Promise #Future

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