make attention grabbing tagline with this title Help I shat my pants in school

I shat my pants in school I waited for 3 hours cuz I was too embarresed to move . Everybody figured it out idk what to do now, what should I do abt tommrow should I go or not go?

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write a keyword rich 250 words long patagraph using Help I shat my pants in school

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29 thoughts on “rewrite this title Help I shat my pants in school”
  1. Maybe you can play it like you have some terrible illness like Crohn’s, and you’re the real victim here.

    Look into bowel disorders or something so you can get a good story together – something that can clear up over time, ex. bowel obstruction, yadda yadda.

    Put on a really sad, defeated and embarrassed face like you’re a worn-out cancer patient or something (but DO NOT pretend you have cancer).

    Act all ashamed of your disease until people start showing you sympathy, telling you “it’s not your fault,” “it’s not that bad,” etc.

    Begin to show genuine appreciation for their kindness, like they’re making you feel less ashamed.

    Wait a few weeks and slowly get better.

    Become inspiration.



    See also: The Act on Hulu

  2. For all the people who accidentally shit their pants
    Here are some steps to help go unnoticed
    First go to the toilet and shit the rest this will give you some cover
    Second try to wipe as much as you can from the underpants
    Third put some toilet paper in the underpants for comfort
    Fourth go to your home
    As a kid it helped me
    And the knowledge I’ve erned should be shared with you
    Fellow shitters

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