make attention grabbing tagline with this title My little cousin is weird as hell

I’ll keep it short but today I was hanging out with my little cousin he’s going into 8th grade we were just chilling and he started talking about his gf and then asked me do you have a gf I said no but I had dinner with a girl last night which was true we got some pizza and watched a movie on the couch and first question bro asked was “did she have big tits” bro I just died.

Edit: just went bridge jumping with her and where having a great time. Mom calls me tells me my cousin is biking over and I see his smug ass face. We do a few more jumps and he joins in. On one of our last jumps I was already in the water and my cousin was getting out when she jumped her top came undone and she hurried to fix it. I’m not shiting you when I say he has never smiled so happily in his life. God I’m scared for when he grows up he for sure gonna be on a watchlist.

Edit: why so many of you asking how big ????????????

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write a keyword rich 250 words long patagraph using My little cousin is weird as hell

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