How do I Stop my room-mate from jerking off in bed?

How to make sure the guy in my room doesn't stop jerking off in bed?

So, i (spider, 3months) live on the wall of a bedroom shared by a 14m and 16m. The 14 year old male always jerks off and throws his cum-soaked underwear behind the bed. This attracts all of the bugs and fleas that I eat to survive. If he starts to jerk it in the toilet, i can't eat. What do I do?

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How to make sure the guy in my room doesn't stop jerking off in bed?

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26 thoughts on “How do I Stop my room-mate from jerking off in bed?”
  1. Why didn’t you put an NSFW tag on your post? Great. I fucking cummed. Because of what you posted. Do you think it’s cool to make me cum in front of my family? Do you get joy out of it? My cum filled my underwear and is dripping down my leg. All because of you. I’m at my wife’s funeral right now and I cummed all over her coffin. My great grandpa looked at this post and cummed so hard he died! Now I have to got to two funerals, all because of you. My great grandma slapped me in the face, which made me cum even more! I’m sitting in a pool of my own cum with two dead people in this room, just because you had to post this.

  2. If you have family, friend or any hausemates you could ask them to move to the toilet and make a cobweb somewhere.

    Everytime he would try cumming they would climb toilet and stay on the far-back of the seat (but he needs to see them!) This way he would be afriad of a spider crawling up his butthole.

    Here are 2 strong arguments why they should live in the bathroom:

    – there are silverfish at night
    – you can offer them 27% cut of bugs you catch (more/less)

    If you haven’t got anyone you can just go to the toilet yourself everytime he is sus and then do it yourself.

    Hope it helps my fellow spider

  3. Just tell him to stop, he would feel so embarrassed cz f told her that and he would automatically stop

  4. Please put an NSFW tag on this. I was on the train and when I saw this I had to start furiously masturbating. Everyone else gave me strange looks and were saying things like “what the fuck” and “call the police”. I dropped my phone and everyone around me saw this image. Now there is a whole train of men masturbating together at this one image. This is all your fault, you could have prevented this if you had just tagged this post NSFW

  5. Just stop with these posts. I honestly think that people that post this kind of stuff are 40 year olds posing as teens

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